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“Sexualities in Improvisation” Theme of Recently Released Journal

Originally Posted: Tuesday, May 26, 2009

The much anticipated special issue of Critical Studies in Improvisation/Études critiques en improvisation on “Sexualities in Improvisation” is now available at

The editorial, “Connective Tissues”, was written by Kevin McNeilly and Julie Dawn Smith. Dr. McNeilly is the ICASP site coordinator at the University of British Columbia and is the Improvisation, Text and Media co-coordinator and a co-investigator with the project. Dr. Smith is the Outreach Coordinator and a co-investigator, as well as executive director of the Coast Jazz and Blues Society in Vancouver.

Dr. McNeilly also submitted a Notes and Opinion item on “Listening to/at/with Marilyn Lerner’s ‘They’re All in Families’.”

Sherrie Tucker, Improvisation, Gender and the Body Coordinator and a co-investigator with ICASP, submitted “When Did Jazz Go Straight?: a queer question for jazz studies.”

“Naked Intimacy: Eroticism, Improvisation, and Gender” by Ellen Waterman includes an examination of the work of Charlotte Hug, who is performing across Canada and the United States this summer. See for dates. Dr. Waterman is ICASP site coordinator at the University of Guelph and a co-investigator with the project.

Chris Lee, assistant professor in the Department of English at the University of British Columbia, submitted “Dream Improvisation: An Interview with Coco Zhao.”

The book and media reviews in this issue are of Big Ears: Listening for Gender in Jazz Studies, review by ethnomusicologist Kara A. Attrep, Jazzwomen: Conversations with Twenty-One Musicians, review by Karl Coulthard, PhD candidate and ICASP graduate research assistant at the University of Guelph, and Sounding Out: Pauline Oliveros and Lesbian Musicality, review by Tracy M. McMullen, previous ICASP post-doctoral fellow at the University of Guelph.

This issue also marks the departure of Greg Fenton, managing editor of the journal for the past two-and-a-half years. The new managing editor, Michelle Peek, can be reached at