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Project Journal Now Online

Originally Posted: Friday, August 8, 2008

The latest issue of Critical Studies in Improvisation/Études critiques en improvisation, the online journal of Improvisation, Community, and Social Practice, is now available at

This issue focuses on Anthony Braxton; related features are “Keynote Address at the Guelph Jazz Festival, 2007”; by Anthony Braxton, “Pitch into Time: Notes on Anthony Braxton’s Lower Register” by Stuart Broomer, and, “‘What I Call a Sound’: Anthony Braxton’s Synaesthetic Ideal and Notations for Improvisers” by Graham Lock.

Other features include “From the Margins to the Mainstream: Jazz and Social Relations” by Alan Stanbridge, “The ‘Finite’ Art of Improvisation: Pedagogy and Power in Jazz Education” by Kenneth E. Prouty, “Steps Against Forgetfulness (Six of Them) by Alain Derbez, and, “Itutu (‘On how to appropriately present oneself to others’): Extra-musical pedagogical values of creative music” by Alexandre PierrepontPierre Carsalade, and Romain Tesler.

Frédérique Arroyas and Ellen Waterman comment on “Reaching Out: Improvisation’s Potentials and Limitations” in the journal’s editorial.

Dr. Waterman also contributed “‘I Dreamed of Other Worlds’: An Interview with Nicole Mitchel”.

Ted Harms reviews Cornelius Cardew (1936-1981): A Reader.

The journal also includes a call for papers for the next issue on the theme “Sexualities in Improvisation.” Guidelines for submission can be found on the journal website.