Graduate Research Assistant
University of Guelph
Greg Shupak is a writer, an activist and a PhD candidate in the University of Guelph’s School of English and Theatre Studies. His short stories have either appeared in or are forthcoming in Broken Pencil, Event, The Fiddlehead, The Nashwaak Review, and QWERTY and he was a finalist in The Writers’ Union of Canada’s Postcard Story Competition in May 2008. In addition, his non-fiction has been published in Briarpatch, Canadian Dimension, In These Times, Literary Review of Canada, This, and on Znet. In the summer of 2013, Greg will be writing for ICASP about how improvisation relates to both utopia and to activism. He teaches Media Studies at the University Guelph and is currently at work on a collection of short stories, a novel, a series of political essays, and a dissertation on the links between Canadian literature and resistance to neo-liberalism.