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K. Sarah Yiu

2009-2010: Research Assistant

University of Guelph

Sarah Yiu is a research assistant for the Gender and Body section of ICASP. She is currently in her first year of the master’s program in the English and Theatre Studies department. She completed her undergraduate degree at the University of Guelph with a double major in English and Women’s Studies. In the spring of 2009, she worked as a collective member and an editor of FOOTNOTES, the University of Guelph’s undergraduate feminist journal. Her areas of interest include, literary and postcolonial theory, diaspora, globalization, transnationalism, multiculturalism, feminist theory, and what it means to “belong.” In her spare time, she likes to blog, write poetry, learn how to play Tegan and Sara songs on the guitar, and analyze radical communities and radical spaces within a feminist framework that is particularly sensitive to privilege and power dynamics.